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Social Bookmarking in concept is a great idea for someone looking for more and more ideas based on their interests and sites like TechnoratI, StumbleUpon or Delicious make this work effortless and quite the timesaver. I like the idea of not having to spend hours searching for content that I don’t mind reading, but then again on the other hand it can turn into a hellish quagmire of information overload as it return more than one can possibly read. I find myself more often than not these days having enough time to read. When I do read when using these sites I find it extremely difficult to keep up with. End the end I will need to find one and stick with it and limit my compulsion to bookmark everything I find interesting since I will never get around to ever reading it all.

The world of Coaching

Recently I have gone back to doing something I love, teaching/coaching. When I was 17, I was teaching skiing at a local ski area in Angel Fire New Mexico and after I graduated highschool, I had moved away mountain and a sport  truly loved. Years later in 1985, I picked up a new sport, volleyball both indoor and outdoor and have been playing ever since. Until recently I hadn’t found myself in a place to really coach volleyball because my passion was to play. Well the years of ball have taken a toll on my shoulder and I am having to pull back a bit and relearn hitting with my left arm. Since I am not playing at the same level I figured why not try coaching. I can still play, just not as hard and teach at the same time. So here I am some many years later coaching a girls club team in Moore Oklahoma.